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A member registered Mar 22, 2022

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(1 edit)

Boosty will not let me search for you. It keeps telling me how can become a creator.  

Never mind, got there in the end. That site sucks... :/ 

I had to copy and past your name into the URL just to find you because no search bar existed. 

Can the girls be spanked? They are in detention, no? 

I think the demo had spanking in it. Does this? 

Anything to satisfy those of us who like to spank pretty ladies? 

I was going to send you a message on SubscribeStar

Does/Will this game feature much spanking content? 

Look. I lost my bank card. When my replacement comes through the door, I'm donating. This game is F*cking amazing for a free download.
I mean my god, the games you need to pay for out there and they're basically shadow puppets with zero game play. 

This game however... I mean, maybe it's cause I'm a spanko but this game is just my fantasy come to life. 

9/10 (instructions on what to do next aren't always clear. Could use the guild in the download file instead of a separate package) 

Oh my god... No wonder they're underweight. 

Right so, over world map. There's a replay button on the top right corner. You press that, and there should be a red button. Push it three times.